Company Name Contact Info Location
OMÜD - Oluklu Mukavva Sanayicileri Derneği
Hasanpaşa Mah. Kurbağalıdere Cad. Altunel İş Merkezi Sitesi Altunel İş Merkezi No: 51-53 İç Kapı No: 7 34722 / Kadıköy / İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 216 456 3631
Hall: FUAYE 10
Stand: F10-6
Product Groups
  • Paper-Cardboard Packaging Corrugated Cardboard
  • Dernek Hizmetleri

Established in 1987, OMÜD is the first packaging industry organisation that represents Turkish corrugated packaging manufacturers. 51 principal and 68 sympathizer members are registered OMÜD. OMÜD is also a member and the Turkish representative of RESY System in Europe since 1997. OMÜD is the founder member of ASDF - Federation of Packaging Manufacturers Associations in Turkey. Some of OMÜD members are also members of TOBB Packaging Assembly and Paper Assembly. OMÜD publications are as follow Corrugated Cardboard Industry (1989), Corrugated Cardboard Packaging (1989), Packaging and Environment (1993), Total Quality (1995), 1997-1998 Congress Books, Corrugated Cardboard Manual (1997)-(2015), The Packaging of Our Time Corrugated Board (2012), Corrugated Board Hygiene (2018), Art with Corrugated Board (2018), as well as an Address Book (2001-2016) that has been published bi-annually since 2001. It also has an e-magazine called Corrugated Packaging World, which is published quarterly and keeps the pulse of the corrugated cardboard industry.

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